Saturday, December 29, 2012

your top ten favorite posts + a years end thank you

I thought it would be fun to look back on y'alls top ten favorite posts, not just of 2012 (b/c let's face it, posts have been slacking ever since Clara entered our world. . . which means my time is consumed with my little girl and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way!), but since I started this little blog back in May 2011.

Here they are, in no particular order:
Clothes in the closet 
What not to say. . . to someone dealing with an eating disorder, infertility or pregnancy loss 
Embracing the imperfect
My friend Wendi 
Nature Box Review + Coupon Code  (ha - I'm assuming b/c lots of random people stumbled on this post after typing in Nature Box in their engine search)
Is it possible to (fully) recover from an eating disorder?
Fertility treatments, ethical dilemmas and frozen embryos 
Change and the power of letting go
14 week pregnancy update. . . Lemon baby  (no clue why this was high on the list!)
My top ten interesting (& totally random) facts about acupuncture. . . so that you will become intrigued and want to try it asap

I started this blog as a way to reflect on eating disorder recovery as well as my diagnosis of infertility. Over time, especially since May 2012 when Clara was born, the blog has also taken on the role of documenting life with our little girl.

I am so thankful I have this little space on the internet that not only serves as a continual source of hope and healing for me (writing is therapeutic to me), but that also brings us together in community. I am so thankful for those of you who have emailed and reached out in faith, those of you who have shared your story behind the scenes. You are brave. You are amazing. You are so deeply loved.

As 2012 draws to a close I want to encourage you to have no fear . . no doubt. . . you CAN and WILL get through life's current challenges, whatever those may be. I am living proof of this promise. It will be hard, and the fight doesn't come without many bruises and tears, but if you keep living the faith and looking upwards, you will end victorious. You will find joy.

Thanks again for sharing along in my journey thus far. I am excited to see where 2013 takes this blog. I have a few ideas for the new year, although nothing completly hashed out just yet. Just ideas rolling around in my brain between diaper changes and baby cuddles. Of course, if there is anything you want to see more of, less of, etc, I am all ears.

Wishing you all joy and happiness as this year comes to a close and another year begins.

Excited to meet you all in 2013,


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