Couldn't resist posting a picture of our cutie meeting Santa for the first time!!
We got suckered into paying a fortune at the mall because someone (totally me) waited too long and thus all the free Santa photo ops were over and done with. The mall photographer wouldn't even give us five seconds to try to get a smile of of her, nor would he let me fix her shirt for it to clearly read "Santa loves me." I know time is money but seriosuly? You are charging $30 for a 5x7 photo that has advertisements all the way around the outside and therefore I am really only getting a 4x6.
You think that they would at least give me a sec to crack a smile out of our girl. No dice.
Ah well. . . it's cute nonetheless, and we couldn't not get a pic with Santa her very first Christmas. Here's to hoping that we get a scary Santa pic next year!!
(Is it bad that I love pics where kids are screaming in Santa's lap??? Maybe don't answer that.)
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and much joy and happiness as we being a New Year!
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