Friday, December 7, 2012

Clara 7 months

December 2, 2012
7 months old!
I say this every month but for real. . .  How is this possible???

Misc Info: Still doing well without the reflux meds. Some of her favorite activities include reading books, playing in her Johnny Jump Up (although she doesn't jump yet, just kinda slides and glides around), playing with this toy, and going on walks in the stroller.
Look who no longer needs her car seat adaptor!!

Eating: She takes a 5.5 or 6 oz pumped bottle every 4 hours during the day. She gets baby oatmeal w/ a fruit in the morning and a vegetable + fruit in the evening. She doesn't seem too picky when it comes to baby food... loves everything so far, even the green veggies. Since last month I have introduced peaches and blueberries and she is totally a fan. I would say her favorites are sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, blueberries and applesauce. I might try adding a 3rd meal (around lunchtime) at 8 months. Moms out there.. . when did you introduce an afternoon meal?

Sleeping: I never thought we would get to this point but. . . Our girl is sleeping, all night, every night. She has slept consistently, all night, for the last two and a half weeks. She goes down 7:30-8pm and will sleep until 6-7:30am. Some night she will wake about 4-4:30am, I will give her a bottle, and then she usually goes right back to sleep or occasionally will play in her bed for a while and then conk out after an hour or so. The key here is that she usually doesn't get too fussy when she's putting herself back to sleep.  She can now self soothe. Can I get an AMEN? Thanks Ferber and thanks Clara for giving us this precious Christmas gift. The dark circles under my eyes thank you.
I never thought we would see this day!!

Schedule: Her schedule has shifted slightly since 6 months.
She now typically takes 2 naps a day (instead of 3) as her wake-times have increased in duration. She can now go 2.5 hours between naps and 3 hours from last nap until bedtime. On days when she wakes at 6am she might need a 3rd nap to get her all the way to bedtime. . . we just play those days by ear. We still follow the eat - play - sleep philosophy and it seems to work well.

Development: We have several tests and consultations lined up as there are some concerns with her rate of development (physically, socially etc) and her head circumfirance (quite small). I plan to give a more detailed update, but I'm going to wait until we have some solid answers. Could take a long while. In the meantime, thanks for keeping Clara in your thoughts and prayers.
Her two bottom front teeth (central incisors) have officially made their appearance (actually first showed at 6 mo) and I think she's teething again as she's showing all symptoms. 

Adventures: We had a great Thanksgiving holiday with my family. Clara loved being with her cousins Avery, Austin and Aiden. My niece, Avery, was in heaven loving on Clara for those few days. Avery is so amazingly sweet with Clara. Always wanting to hold her and cuddle her. Avery spent the night at our house one night while she was here (usually stays at my mom and dads). This is her reading Clara a bedtime story. I posted it on Instagram (brittbburn).The left pic is Aiden (5 yrs old) with Clara. Somehow I never got a pic of Austin. Next time!

We are excited for Christmas!! Will have lots of Christmas pics to post next month.
SO excited! Here's our tree - all 3.5 feet of it. :) Don't judge - it only takes 10 minutes to put up and decorate, and 10 minutes to take down. Thankyouverymuch.

Brandon and I have a tradition of buying two ornaments every year for our tree. We've built up a nice ornament collection this way. This year we got an airplane for Clara since we have traveled so much with her during these first 7 months. We had it engraved underneath. It says "Clara's First Wings." And then it says "10 Flights in 7 Months."

We also got an angel ornament in honor of Clara's fraternal twin that we lost on September 27, 2011. My friend  Allison did this to honor the baby she recently lost, and I thought it was a perfect way we could also remember our sweet angel.

Merry Christmas everyone! Praying God's blessings on all of you as 2012 draws to a close, and we embark on this New Year. 


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