Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Embracing the imperfect

I think there is one overwhelming theme in our society today. Well if I am honest there are many yet there is one that I am choosing to focus on today. One that has the ability to induce anxiety, stress and maybe even fear in our minds and hearts.


Just scrolling through Facebook, Pinterest and even various blogs can put off this theme of a perfect life, perfect home, perfect "stuff", perfect family, perfect kids, perfect marriage and a perfect job.

And that is just naming a few. You could easily add to the list.

All of these images floating around the web can easily keep one daydreaming about the perfect ____ (you fill in the blank) that is just around the corner.

It is no secret that by nature I am a Type A, obsessive compulsive, control freak, list making, perfection driven, everything must be in its place kind of girl. You didn't know that about me? Bless you.

Paper piles drive me bonkers. Let's be real, clutter in general drives me bonkers. If I lost my planner, which includes my daily/weekly goals and to do lists, I might just have a mild heart attack. I love a good organizational system and continually find myself tweaking our home in hopes to you know, make things as streamlined and functional (ok, as perfect) as possible. I think I have rearranged our "junk drawer" maybe fifteen times. Ironic much?

Anyways, I have been thinking a lot about the idea of perfectionism and the idea that life really will be ok if everything isn't always in tip top shape.

There is freedom when we choose to let go of unrealistic ideals.

Yes, even for a girl like me, who stresses when her pantry is out of sorts.

Here's what I know. . .

My house might not be perfect but it won't stop friends from coming over and enjoying our company.

My to do list might never be completely blank but there is always tomorrow. And that is ok.

My jeans might be a little snug but my body is strong and it helps me provide daily for my sweet baby.

That friend who always looks put together and whose life in general always looks put together is probably a lot less put together than I think.

You get the idea.

God didn't call us to be perfect. He calls us to be good stewards. He calls us to look upward instead of outward. He calls us to Him. Daily. Regardless of the status of all of our stuff.

So. . .

Today I am choosing to leave that pile of laundry on the floor. And not stress about it.

Today I am choosing to resist the urge to get frustrated when I realize how much I still need to get done.

Today I am choosing to embrace the extra cushion that comes with my post baby body.

Today I am choosing to be ok if dishes are left piled up, waiting to be scrubbed.

Today I am choosing not to compare myself and my baby to that other momma and her baby who, at five weeks old, is sleeping through the night, every single night.

Today I am choosing a new standard.

And it feels good.

Do you struggle with perfectionism? How do you combat societies never ending images that depict one having a perfect life? I'd love to hear!


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