Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sleep training Clara, Ferber style, Day 2

We are Ferberizing around here! Day 1 was a success in my book.

Here's how Day 2 went down...

Day 2: {10 min; 15 min; 20 min; 20 min (subsequent waits)}

8pm - bedtime - We did not have to go in at all! That girl put herself to sleep. :) She woke at 10pm and fussed for a second but fell back asleep before we hit the 10 min mark!

5am - woke up but was content just playing in her bed for an hour. She wasn't fussing or crying just kicking her legs and arms having a grand ol time. I checked the monitor about 6am and she had put herself back to sleep!

6:30am - she woke again and was quite fussy and so our day began (since I would have woken her up at 7am anyways).

Y'all ... do you realize that we did not have to go in her room at all during the night? 


8:00am - Nap - she was already acting quite tired so I plopped her in bed and she didn't make a peep. Looked around a few times and then laid her head down and went to sleep. Never had to go in!

1pm - Nap - Had to go in 1x at the 10 min mark. That did the trick and she was able to put herself to sleep after Brandon left the room. She slept two hours solid!

5:30pm - Nap - She laid in her bed for a while, then got fussy. Had to go in 1x and she eventually fell asleep about 6:15pm. Woke her up at 6:45pm, so it was a quick power nap.

Days 3-5 coming tomorrow. . . TBC...


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