Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HFI video testimonial

I never mentioned it on the blog but when Clara was about 10 or 11 weeks old our fertility clinic asked us if we would be willing to share just a bit of our story via a video testimonial that would then be posted on their website. We were quite flabbergasted, honored and completely humbled that they asked us. I mean they have a lot of patients to choose from and they asked us?! What???!

We knew we wanted to participate not only because we loved our Dr, the staff, and the over all clinic, (and not to mention we had a great experience there) but because we knew we had a story to tell and it is our hope and prayer that our story might touch someone else down the road. God can take a piece of our story, our journey to parenthood, and use it for His good. In His time. In His unique way. So we decided to go for it.

We got word a few days ago that the testimonial is up and running. I'm not sure how to copy the video from the main website on the blog, but the links are below if you want to check it out.

And yes... we both shed a few tears.

A big thanks to HFI for asking us to participate. You all really are like family to us!

(Note - The thoughts and opinions shared in this video are 100% our own. We were in no way reimbursed for our participation in this video, nor we were guaranteed a discount on any future needed fertility treatment, although Brandon did want me to ask, Ha). 

HFI - Our Story

HFI - The Blackburn Family


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