Monday, September 10, 2012

Sleep training Clara, Day 6

Here's the scoop in case you've missed all the "fun"...

Day #6 : 9/9/12
  • 7am - wake time. She was up at 7am on the dot so I scoop her up for some snuggle time. 
  • 7:15am - feeding and then playtime
  • 8:20am - she's showing sleepy signs so I start soothing her down for nap #1. She's in bed by 8:30am and then babbles/slightly fusses for a short while. NO CRYING! She's out by 8:45am. 
  • 8:45am -11am - nap # 1. She is still snoozing at 11am, but I decide to wake her so she can eat and also to protect nap #2. She stirred twice during this nap but was able to successfully soothe herself back to sleep. 
  • 11:15am - feeding and then playtime
  • 12pm - try to give her a tad more to eat
  • 12:40pm - she's already really tired so in to bed she goes. She is quiet and calm until about 12:50pm and then starts crying. She cries for 10 minutes and in the meantime I am praying that God would calm and settle her. No lie - within 2 seconds of my prayer she turns over and falls asleep. Fastest answered prayer ever. Praise God for only 10 minutes of crying!! 
  • 1- 4:30pm - nap #2 - decide to wake her at 4:30pm so we can aim for a 7pm bedtime with no third nap. Obviously, this is all trial and error but it seems that Day #3 (for both bedtime and during the night) was most successful, when she went to bed at 7pm. 
  • 4:30pm - feeding and playtime
  • 6:15pm - start winding down for bed
  • 6:30pm - feeding
  • 7pm - bedtime, and she falls asleep almost instantly. NO CRYING!
  • 9:30pm - wakes up and starts crying. Give her a few minutes to settle but the crying only gets more intense. I decide since this is typically the time of her late night feeding, before we implemented the earlier bedtime, that we should go in and feed her. She takes nearly 5 oz of milk, gets a new diaper, a kiss from dad and then it's back in bed.
  • 10:00-11:15pm - cries for one hour 15 minutes and then conks out. While a little over an hour of crying seems like a lot, and it is, this is much improvement from last night!!
  • 5:30am - she wakes up and starts playing in her bed. My plan is to not go in to get her before 6am (if she is restless/unhappy, and since it is so close to the 6am hour) or wake her at 7am if she by chance falls back asleep.
  • 6am - wake time - obvious she isn't going back to bed, and I'm sure she's hungry, so I go get her to start our day. Will try to adjust our day/naps so that we can aim for a 7pm, or around there, bedtime. I'm assuming (but will play it by ear) that since wake time is earlier today, she will most likely need a third nap in order to make it to bedtime. 
Progress from today:
No crying at nap #1 and she is able to soothe herself back to sleep during this nap
Only ten minutes of crying at nap #2
We were able to continue with an early bedtime of 7pm
No crying at bedtime
Only 1 hour 15 minutes of crying from bedtime to wake time!! This is big progress in my opinion!
Overall, a lot less crying in a 24 hour period!!!

THANK YOU all for your prayers, support and encouragement!!

Day #7 here we come... 

A few pictures since pictures always make these posts a little more bearable for you all. . . 

 Loves her Sophie the giraffe
She was SO smiley while sitting on the couch with Brandon. Love that I caught her mid-smile.

Stealing some kisses from my sweet girl


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