Friday, September 21, 2012

Keurig Vue V700 Brewer coupon winners

Following up from Thursday's post. . .

The winners of the Keurig Vue V700 Brewer 50% off coupons are. . .




How do I have three winners instead of two? I found another coupon. Lucky y'all!

Congrats, ladies. Please email me with your home address and I will get the coupons in the mail to you asap. Or I can send you all of the coupon/coupon code info over email, whatever you prefer. Remember, The coupons are only valid 9/22/12 - 9/30/12. 

Sorry, Marie :( But I don't feel quite as bad since you are not a coffee fan!! I hope we can still be friends. And judging by the lack of comments on yesterdays post, there are many others who have failed to fall in love with mornings most perfect beverage. That or everyone just thinks I'm weird and could care less about my coffee maker and ramblings. Yep - probably the later. 

OH - and you all should really take a few seconds and go click on Amanda's blog. She has some super exciting news to share.

Happy Weekend!


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