Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Couch to 5K, or maybe not?

Lately, I have been walking with Clara in the stroller a few days each week. I have no reason why I don't go daily, as obviously these power walks are my only form of exercise, but I seem to always find something else to do, make an excuse etc. I did walk to TJ Max and Kroger yesterday, with stroller and Clara in tow, but I'm not sure that counts? Yes. . . I am that cool girl you see walking up and down the street with her groceries. I bet you are all jealous of my awesomeness.

Anyways, this morning I said enough with the excuses and decided to take Clara on a little power walk around Oyster Creek Park. I had my iTunes, water, and phone all ready to go. As we got going I started thinking about the idea of possibly branching out into different forms of exercise. You know, so I can say that I can do something other than just walk.

Options? Well, I stink at organized sports. Seriously, you don't want me on your team. Just ask my middle school softball coach. She would yell at me to slide into first base and I would yell back "Nooooo! I don't know how!!" I think I ended up with the "Most Improved Award" that year but I don't think it was because I learned how to slide. Swim? I won't drown but I am NOT a swimmer. And I don't even want to entertain the idea of aerobics or Zumba. What about a Couch to 5K program? Could I do that? Maybe I could! (Keep in mind I haven't run in, oh I don't know, five years). My mind was filled with thoughts like . .  . "Maybe Brandon will do it with me," or "My brother would be so proud," etc.

Just as I was thinking said thoughts I passed an early morning outdoor group exercise class. God must have a sense of humor because right then and there they all started a group run! All the runners would smile and cheerfully holler "Good Morning!" as they passed. Wow. Running must be so fun! They are all so energetic! So full of smiles! I kept at my power walk for a while and then decided, Ok, I am going to try this running thing. I made sure Clara was still sound asleep (I have no idea why) and then went for it.

And then I ran for 3.5 minutes. Without stopping. And felt like I was going to die.

I then I see this little face staring up at me.

"Seriously, mom? Are you really trying to run? I'm so confused."

"Oh my goodness you really did just try to run. I'm so embarrassed."

"I have no words, mom. All I can do is laugh."

And then I proceeded to power walk home trying to recover from my 3.5 minutes of pure insanity. 


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