Monday, August 6, 2012

Clara 3 months

How has August 2nd already come and gone? Is my little girl seriously three months old? Time is speeding by these days. I can now understand how other moms say that the days pass very slowly but the years pass so very quickly.

Here is Clara at 3 months!
August 2, 2012

Weight: 10 pounds 6 ounces! Moving on up!!

Eating: Continues to eat every 3-3.5 hours. Some days she is starving a little before the 3 hour mark and other days she can easily go 3.5. We just play it by ear! She continues to take a bottle well and this is such a blessing on days when I need to run some errands, have Brandon give her a bottle at night, etc.

Schedule: Eat, play/wake time, nap time (again, on a 3 or 3.5 hour  cycle).

Sleeping: Sleeping has improved dramatically since the last update! Praise GOD! She has given us several good 6 or 7 hour stretches at night. A few nights she has not even woken up to eat. The colic episodes have decreased which has made our home much more peaceful in the evenings/early morning hours. Again, praise God! We started her on reflux medicine, Prevacid, just to see if this would help decrease the night time crying. While we are not 100% convinced she has reflux, she has only had a few screaming sessions since starting the meds so for now we will continue to give it to her. She is now sleeping 90% of the time in a nap nanny, in her crib.

Development: The biggest change in development since 2 months has been her smiles!! She does not yet smile when prompted but will flash a smile randomly throughout the day. Totally melts my heart. She enjoys tummy time and lasts a good 10 or so minutes on her play mat. I try to do this several times a day. Her legs and kicks are getting much stronger as well as her arms and head control. I have tried playing Baby Einstein for her although not sure she is quite interested in it yet.

Adventures: Several play dates with friends and lots of fun with both sides of cousins. We have two trips booked in the fall, in September and October, which we are very excited about.

A few more recent pictures just for fun. . . 

Trying out the bumbo seat for the first time

This is the first picture where she made eye contact with me AND smiled at the same time!

Lazy Sunday afternoon nap

Woke up to this sweet face. . .

Until next time. . . Happy Monday!


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