Friday, January 24, 2014

Weekend Links 1/24/14

A few links for your weekend reading, from around the world wide web. Enjoy!

When your day is interrupted - The Art of Simple
I miss my actual life - Jen Hatmaker
Upside Down Thinking - Writing Chapter Three
A love letter: To all the tired mamas everywhere - Lisa Jo Baker
The difference between political correctness & community - Life Rearranged

Eating Disorder/Mental Health/Self Esteem
Build yourself a support team - Surviving Anorexia
Not just small adults: eating disorders in young children - ED Bites
The Thin Ideal and Anorexia Nervosa: Case in Point - Dr. Sarah Ravin (I think this is such an interesting case and agree that the thin ideal really impacts us as a group of people, whether one is in recovery or not!)

And because I couldn't leave without posting a few more pictures of both my babies. . .

Lots of baby snuggles and swaddling going on in this place. . . 

 Clara having fun with her aunt and cousin on the trampoline. . . Love the cousin hand holding. 


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