Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 in review

Just when you thought you had read all the Thanksgiving recaps possible. . . there's one more! Yep, I'm a little late posting these days but as I always say. . . better late than never.

We had a great Thanksgiving holiday. We spent three days in Galveston, Texas at a beach house my in laws so graciously rented for the family! So nice to just get away from home and relax for a bit (despite getting the flu and having to head home a day earlier than planned!). Clara got to spend lots of time with her three cousins on the Blackburn side, which was extra special because even though they are only an hour away, we never see them! We cooked & ate a traditional Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday and some spent time outdoors fishing, despite the cold weather.

Clara wasn't a huge fan of sleeping while away, so please excuse the bags under my eyes.

A few pics from our mini vacation (Sadly, we didn't get a single pic of Brandon's parents!) . . .

 Baby bump shot. . .

 Brandon going all Jase Roberson on us. . .

Sweet Sophie pushing Clara in the stroller. . . Sophie is such a good little mommy. . .

If my memory serves me correctly, Josiah caught the first fish!

 Time for some boat action. . .

 Precious Eli. . .

 Trying to teach Sophie how to push HARD to put the marker caps back on correctly. . .

And this would be when I smashed her finger in the cap during said demonstration. . . Aunt of the year right here.

Why wear my mittens when I can eat them instead?. . .

Our little family of three (or four I guess). . .

Clara snuggling with her Aunt Jamie. . .

First boat ride for Clara . . . she loved it! 

Such a great time and wonderful memories! Until next time. . .


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