Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2013 goals, November roundup

I debated even recapping my 2013 goals for November because, let's face it, I wasn't the most productive ever but then the thought of leaving off a month caused some anxiety so OCD for the win!

Here's what went down for November:

Easy Enchiladas - Really good! We added some refried black beans, chopped green chilies and grilled onions to the layers and it tasted great. We made this twice in one week!

Soul Sweet Taters by Pioneer Woman - So I have made this before, BUT it had been over a year so I am counting this towards my goal for the month. Plus, how could I possibly discount a recipe that calls for tons of butter, sugar (both white and brown mind you), whole milk and lots of other yummy goodness? Basically like dessert, discussed as a side dish.

So I am two for four recipes in November. . .  Bummer. But really, who needs anything more than Mexican food and dessert??? Especially at 30+weeks pregnant. Enough said.

Psalm 116:7 "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you."

Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry."

Love both of these for so many reasons. Day in and day out there is SO much to worry about, be anxious about, stress about, etc. Yet we are told to rest. Rest in His goodness and faithfulness. Rest in the fact that He will provide when no hope seems within reach. The Lord has been good to us, and will continue to be good, despite whatever journey we are on for the moment (or for the long haul). And within this time of rest he grows our patience. Patience for God to work. Patience for God to follow through. Patience for God's timing. His ear is turned and hears each and every cry. The Lord has been good to me.

Computer clean up
I have actually done quite a bit on my computer over the last month so hooray for that! I will spare you all the boring details, but just had to document some progress in this area. Finally.

HAHAHA - I think my goal will be "I will read again once we are old and retired." The. End.

All in all. . .

November was one crazy month, so not a lot of goal work was done. BUT I will say, for the record, that part of my New Years goals for '13 was "give it my all but don't beat myself up if I don't meet the marks perfectly."  So, in the spirit of letting go of perfectionism (says the girl that couldn't get over not blogging one recap over the year. . . hmmmm) I am celebrating November as a success! 

And also thinking long and hard about any goal setting come 2014. Because I will have a toddler in therapy 5x a week, and a newborn, and I will still be working part time. I think my goal should be survival, no?

How's the year coming to a close for you? Any goals you are still working on?
Thoughts for your New Year? It will be here before we know it! 


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