Week 23 fell one day short of our Chicago vacation, and I never took a belly pic the Tuesday after we got home, so I am counting these pics as week 23!
How are things going? A little bit of info. . . And thanks, Allison for this questionnaire idea! Hope you don't mind that I stole it from you.
Loving: Feeling baby girl move more and more! She is becoming a lot more active and sometimes I can actually see my stomach move when she is kicking, squirming and/or changing positions.
Not Loving: The dizziness and fainting issues that I was experiencing at 16 weeks have returned, yet are much more intense. I haven't passed out in two weeks, praise God, but it was happening frequently there for a while. And by pass out I don't just mean I feel dizzy and have to sit down. I mean I black out and fall on the floor. The craziest of episodes was when it happened in the shower and then a few days later in the airport. My OB ran blood work which came back normal, and I had a stress test and ultrasound done of my heart (just to rule anything out) and all looked fine there. But just to play it safe, I am now wearing a 24/7 heart monitor that records any abnormal activity, until November 1st. It's pretty awesome. I look like I am sporting an old school pager from the early 90's. But in all seriousness, we are praying these issues pass and are now behind me/us!
Favorite Foods: This is a hard one. Nothing really sounds awful, which means everything usually sounds good, which means I pretty much don't have a problem eating anything and everything. But if I had to pick I'd say my foods of choice are homemade thin crust pizza, salads with a million toppings, cereal and Chickfila nuggets. (But really. . . when does Chickfila not sound good?)
Looking Forward To: Our upcoming annual trip to CT to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins, starting on the nursery, finishing up a few house projects and nailing down a name for our baby girl.
Anxious About: The lack of sleep that comes with the newborn days. This time around I won't have as much freedom to nap, rest, etc during the day. Also unsure how I will balance a newborn, all of Clara's appointments/therapy, and working part time.
Feeling great & feeling blessed!
Weeks 24 & 25 coming later this week. . .
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