Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Annual CT Vacation 2013

Our little family spent four days visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins in CT. Brandon and I have gone every year since we have been married and it was/is important to us to continue the tradition once kids came along. We took Clara last year, at five months old. A much different experience this year at 17 months! We had a wonderful time relaxing, enjoying the fall weather and beautiful leaves, eating good food, and soaking in some quality family time.

I was a little more nervous about the actual travel portion this time around since Clara is older and more mobile, and wasn't sure how she would handle two flights there and back (the first being one hour and the second being three hours). But she was a rock star!! We made sure to pack lots of cheerios and her fav toys and that seemed to work fine (all screen time limits go out the window while on a three hour flight)! We were so thankful!

Here are the highlights. . .

(prepare yourself for Clara and pumpkin patch, fall-ish pic overload)

Can't wait until next year. . . when we have two girls in tow!


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