Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our last few weeks. . . Clara's sickness continues

So Clara has been a little under the weather ever since we returned from our annual CT vacation. I took her in to the Dr a week ago and was told she had just a cold or allergies as her chest and ears looked clear, and to start her on a once a day OTC allergy med for kids. Dr told us to come back in a week for an antibiotic if her symptoms (horrible cough, tons of green snot, sneezing, coughing, more green snot, coughing, etc. . . did I mention horrible coughing?) worsened or the allergy med wasn't helping. Well here we are a week later and things have sadly intensified. :(

Our Dr told us that kids get an average of 10 colds a year the first two years and that the symptoms can last an average of two weeks. . . well I think we are right on par with that stat.

Yesterday was the worst, probably the worst off I have seen her in a LONG time. She basically cried from 8am-12pm and would not let me put her down. She was in and out of sleep and crying on an off and so we rocked and rocked and rocked some more in her glider. For four hours. Poor baby! Anytime I would get her asleep and try to put her in bed (or lay down with her in our guest bed) she would cry (and not a teeny little cry, like ALL out shrieking cry. . . this is not like Clara, aka the most laid back baby toddler in the entire world). So we called the Dr again, got an antibiotic and are praying she makes a turn for the better here soon.

 On our way to the Dr. . . pitiful face!

We stayed home from church Sunday and had to cancel dinner plans with Amanda and her fam. This is how she spent most of Sunday. She was awake but would only lift her head up to cough. Daddy enjoyed lots of extra snuggles.

And yesterday in midst of the four hour crying session. This was right after I got her to sleep again for the 500th time. It was so sad! But like daddy on Sunday, I embraced the cuddle time that I know will not always be so available. There is something amazingly powerful about knowing your child finds peace and contentment in your arms and nowhere else, you know? Kind of like this post. So so powerful. Can't think of a better word. 

And last night. . . poor kid. She didn't even want to open her eyes.

I guess it's safe to say we won't be taking Clara out trick or treating Thursday night??? Antibiotic. . . let's get this show on the road!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Weekend Links 10/25/13

The Mythical They - Jen Hatmaker
Cliques and Community - (in)courage
How to feel at home in your house and your skin - Lisa Jo Baker
Big Trip hesitations, part two - Tsh Oxenreider (Tsh is also the creator of the blog Simple Mom. Have y'all read about her family and their upcoming trip around the world?? Sounds pretty amazing!)

Eating Disorder, Mental Health and/or Self Esteem
Fat Talk Free Week - Healthy Tipping Point
5 Steps to Loving your Body and Yourself - The Self Esteem Blog
Ten Truths For The Teenage Girl - Because It Matters Who You're Becoming - Living Proof Ministries

On another note. . . look how long Clara's hair is these days??? Deceiving, right? You'd never know with all those pencil tight curls! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Annual CT Vacation 2013

Our little family spent four days visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins in CT. Brandon and I have gone every year since we have been married and it was/is important to us to continue the tradition once kids came along. We took Clara last year, at five months old. A much different experience this year at 17 months! We had a wonderful time relaxing, enjoying the fall weather and beautiful leaves, eating good food, and soaking in some quality family time.

I was a little more nervous about the actual travel portion this time around since Clara is older and more mobile, and wasn't sure how she would handle two flights there and back (the first being one hour and the second being three hours). But she was a rock star!! We made sure to pack lots of cheerios and her fav toys and that seemed to work fine (all screen time limits go out the window while on a three hour flight)! We were so thankful!

Here are the highlights. . .

(prepare yourself for Clara and pumpkin patch, fall-ish pic overload)

Can't wait until next year. . . when we have two girls in tow!