I participated in the last challenge, that ended Friday, and I LOVED it. I wanted to pass the word on to all you females in case you are interested in participating. I know the concept of waking up early sounds completely torturous to some of you. . . but it is so worth it!
A little bit about HelloMornings (source). . .
What is the HelloMornings Challenge?
The HelloMornings challenge was birthed several years back out of a desire to provide encouragement and accountability for Christian women pursuing the life-changing habit of getting up early. Through Facebook or Twitter, accountability groups check in with one another throughout the week and encourage one another in their early-morning goals, with an emphasis on their time in the Bible.
When is the HelloMornings Challenge?
There are typically 3 HelloMornings Challenges a year. One in the fall (August-November), winter/spring (January-April), and summer (May-July) each lasting about 13 weeks. Specific dates and lengths vary from challenge to challenge. Subscribe to the blog to receive all announcements and updates for the upcoming challenge.
How does the HelloMornings Challenge work?
The HelloMornings Challenge is a daily check-in via social media accountability groups. Before or after their morning routine, group members check in with their assigned group on Facebook or Twitter.
You choose the group that fits most with what you are looking for, or you can form your own group at church or in your community. Once you register, your Accountability Captain (group leader) will contact you before the challenge begins with more details.
How can I register for the Challenge?
All ladies are welcome to join the Challenge! Subscribe to get our blog posts by email to be sure you don’t miss the next open registration!
In the meantime, you can always jump into the #hellomornings Twitter stream, or join the conversation on Facebook.
What if I want to form my own group or stay with my previous group?
You are welcome to organize your own group for the HelloMornings Challenge. We just ask that you email us about your group so we can stay connected with you and support you on your journey, and that you review the group leader expectations.
We will provide the inspiration and a variety of resources. You will be responsible for making sure your group knows how and where they will connect with one another.
This is a great option for those who want to do the HelloMornings Challenge with their moms group, church group, blog audience, or some friends. It’s also and excellent option for previous HelloMornings groups who want to stay together for future challenges.
“It is very easy for me to give up…but I’m learning that it’s not just an all or nothing routine. I’m learning to take grace for the day and try again the next. I have noticed a great difference in my overall attitude towards my kids and my outlook for the day. This was my first challenge and I’m excited to register for the next one!” – Janice Morrow (via Facebook)
WILL YOU PROVIDE RESOURCES FOR US?#HelloBibleStudy! Using the Quench Bible study method, Lara Williams and Katie Orr develop a wonderful and simple Bible study for each challenge for us to go through together each session. Of course, it’s optional and you are welcome to do any study you choose.
#HelloExercise! Focusing more on building a foundation than reaching a certain goal (i.e. run a 5k or lose a certain amount of weight), we will help you develop the habit of exercise and healthy living.
#HelloPlanning! We share various tips, resources, and product reviews to help enable you to become a better planner. We hope this blog will be a great space for everyone to share ideas and ask questions.
Now. . . I am naturally an early riser, so this was not a hard transition for me to wake up early, but it was so neat to connect with a group of women, early in the morning, as we took time in the word, planned our days, and fit in some exercise. Obviously, the whole fitting in exercise thing was the hardest part of the challenge for me. But there is something about waking up early, with some purpose and intention, that just really sets the day off on a better note, at least in my experience.
REGISTRATION OPENS TODAY! Click here to browse the groups and pick one that best fits you! Who's in?
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