Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2013 goals, July roundup

Here's where things stand at the end of July!

Santa Fe Baked Chicken - Super easy and super delicious!

Hummus - So I really love hummus. But making hummus is a tad a lot harder than one might think. That or else I just did something majorly wrong. Who knows. This was not the best recipe ever. My hummus making skills are not the best ever. But in fairness, after sitting in the fridge for a few days, the taste improved greatly, so maybe not all was lost?

Easy Peasy Pizookie - If you've ever had a Pizookie at BJ's Brewhouse, or Cheddars (I think there it is called a Cookie Monster), then you know why this recipe is such a winner. And if you've never had a Pizookie at BJ's Brewhouse or a Cookie Monster at Cheddars (the horror!), then you need to make this ASAP, and experience the goodness for yourself. Your life will forever be changed. We have made two in two weeks!

Taco Lasagna - I'm making this tonight so crossing my fingers it's a winner. Looks easy enough (but then again. . . so did the hummus).

This month I thought it appropriate to choose verses that highlighted the amazing miracle that is our surprise pregnancy.

Psalm 30:5 ". . . weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."

Psalm 130:11 "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."

If you translate weeping and wailing to mean infertility, then you can see how these verses are fitting this month. There has been lots of rejoicing and joy around our house as of late.

Still reading this book, continued on from last month. I simply have not fit in time for reading, and I'm not quite sure how that is going to improve considering I start my part time job today. Maybe the whole job thing will force me to plan my days a little better, in all areas (all areas = daily quiet time, caring for Clara + her extra needs, blogging, house work, personal "me" time, exercise. . .  etc! Time will tell!)

Blogging and Computer clean up - Well I am hit or miss with the blogging and completely miss with the computer clean up. Please refer to above paragraph. :)

Did you guys make any New Years goals? If so, how's it going for you?


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