Friday, April 5, 2013

Weekend Link (yep, just one) 4/5/13

Not going to lie. . . this week has been a hard one. Hard on many levels. I won't bore you with the ins and the outs and the whys. Maybe that will be a topic for another day. But in the midst of this emotionally draining, overwhelming week, I read a post that helped give me back some perspective.

So I wanted to share it with you.

In case you've had a rough week too, and need a little shifting of your mindset.

Hurry up and wait - Living Proof Ministries Blog

Here's a little sneak peak. . .

"But most times, our waiting is much longer than any of us like to think or wait, but if we only knew what He had in store for us, we know the waiting would be worth it. 

My sweet coworker KMac said it best, “We wouldn’t appreciate ANYTHING without a little delay and anticipation.” And all the people said amen.

That’s why in the waiting we wait with hope.

We wait with expectancy.
We wait in patience.
We wait in prayer.
We wait in strength.
Most times, the waiting really isn’t about the waiting, it’s about becoming."
If you have a few seconds, I encourage you to click on over and read. It's a good one!
It's Friday. . . Enjoy your weekend, friends!


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