Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Life With An Eating Disorder. . . series update

Hope you all had a nice weekend. We went out of town to visit family, and are now soaking up every last minute we get with my grandpa, aunt and cousin who have been in town since Sunday evening. Clara's congestion and cough came back with a vengeance over the weekend (teething perhaps?) and she was up and down all. night. long. crying and therefore having no desire to sleep in the pack n play we brought for her. So. . . she slept with us Friday and Saturday night and can I just say that sleeping with 11 month old Clara is WAY different than sleeping with five month old Clara? The girl slammed her head into my nose in the wee hours of Sunday morning, which resulted in a bloody nose and blood everywhere. I have no idea how I made it to the bathroom without getting blood all over the sheets and carpet because by the time I got to the bathroom there was blood ALL over my face, bathroom floor, tissue box that was on the counter (lovely) and sink. I also have no clue how we didn't wake up the entire house. So that is my lovely story for you all today. You're welcome.

In other news, I am so excited about the Life With An Eating Disorder series that is coming up. The series will begin Monday April 22nd and run until Friday May 3rd. I recieved enough feedback to publish one guest post a day, for two solid weeks (Mon-Fri). I am so excited. So very excited. I cannot wait to share these stories with you all. The first week will be all personal testimonies, and the second week will be family members sharing their perspective on watching their loved one struggle with an eating disorder.

I probably won't be posting much between now and then since I'm working on firming up the details. So... stay tuned! Hope you join me back here on Monday the 22nd!

(If you are writing for this series and want to know the exact date your post will publish, just email me and I will let you know.)

And I'll leave you with this pic, just because I think it is cute. I came home one day last week, after running errands, and saw this through the window. Love.


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