Friday, March 22, 2013

Weekend Links 3/22/13

So. . . I got that hole in my eye repaired on Wednesday. Definitely an interesting experience, and I'll be ok if I never have a laser beam shot in my eye ever again. He zapped my eye 96x, which was really special. Afterwards it was hard to keep my eye open and it was oozing goop (you're welcome for that mental picture) and also stinging for quite a while. But the good news is no eye patch was necessary and my vision was completely back to normal by Thursday morning! So yay for that. And yay that I no longer have a random hole in my eye. The only picture I have for you. . .

And a few pics of Clara just because. . .

And a few weekend links. . . not broken into category because I'm being lazy, and I'm fairly certain you can figure it out.

Selective Eating - Kartini Clinic
Defining Recovery: Life After an eating disorder - ED Bites
What I want you to know: Adopting a teenager from foster care - Rage Against The Minivan
I want to see the person, not the box - (in)courage
Dear God, Where Are You? - Lysa TerKeurst ("Sometimes God’s power is shown as much in preventing things as it is in making them happen. We may never know why. But we can always know and trust the Who." Love that.)
Dark Chocolate Cashew Larabars - Brown Eyed Baker
Simple French Bread Pizzas - Eat, Live, Run
Crunchy Black Bean Tacos - Six Sisters' Stuff 

Enjoy your weekend! 


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