Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life With An Eating Disorder. . . series in the works

I am working on a series of posts centered around the topic "Life With An Eating Disorder." I have a few ideas in mind, and I have recruited a few guest bloggers to contribute to this series as well. I am looking for a few more guest posts, so if you are interested in writing up a little something (you don't have to have you own blog to participate!) please leave a comment (or send me an email) with your interest and we can talk specifics. I would even love to hear from those of you who have not personally dealt with an eating disorder, but have lived it through a family member or close friend. Of course, if you are interested, but not comfortable sharing your name and personal info, we can change it up for the sake of your privacy & confidentiality. I am hoping to share this series of posts in April. Thanks!


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