Saturday, June 23, 2012

My friend Wendi

Wendi and me - day of my baby shower , March 2012
Happy Belated Birthday to one of my best friends, Wendi. Her birthday was yesterday and while I didn't get to spend time with her on her special day, I hope she knows how much I love and appreciate her! She is such a wonderful wife, mother and friend!!!

When I was thinking about her birthday yesterday, my mind went back in time reflecting on many of the memories we have shared together. Just to name a few . . .

Middle school volleyball, softball and basketball. Yes, I played sports back then but this does not mean I had any talent, whatsoever. We went to a small private school = it was not hard to make the team if you catch my drift. For the record, Wendi was actually good and actually got some playing time. :)

Middle school birthday parties, sleepovers and just your usual girl drama that comes with this age group. Oh how I would not relive the middle school years for anything. Anything.

Church youth group activities

Our first year of high school together before she moved away to Austin for the remainder of her high school days.

Our freshmen year of college here. We were not roommates but lived in the same dorm, on the same hall.

Our sophomore year of college. We pledged Sigma Theta Chi "social club," and in doing so developed some of our greatest (shared) friendships.

Our junior and senior year of college. We moved off campus, into the same house, and had an absolute blast those two years.

Our weddings - both bridesmaids for each other

Watching each other grow into a Christian wife and eventually, mother

Yet through all of these memories one thing I respect most about Wendi is her willingness to speak out, to say something, when her gut tells her something is up or is not right.  Outside of my family members, Wendi was the only friend who called me out about my eating disorder. The only one. I remember like it was yesterday. She sat next to me, with tears in her eyes, saying "Britt, are you ok? You've lost so much weight and I'm worried about you." (We were on vacation together and were sitting in the hallway of our hotel room. Why we were sitting there I have no idea.) Of course, at that time, my obsession with loosing weight had just begun and so I was in no way ready to make a change or be honest with her. I basically told her what she wanted to hear in hopes to ease her mind and so I could just continue on as "normal." Yet she didn't stop there. She continued to watch, listen and observe my behaviors, when we were together. She wrote me a few emails continuing to share her concern for my health. I continued to blow her off. I don't recall when exactly but eventually I took off the mask and broke the silence, and for once was honest with my sweet friend. While she didn't know it at the time, and while I certainly didn't show it, I really was thankful that she was willing to ask me about my struggles. By doing so she was showing me that she cared and that she loved me enough to risk our friendship, because honestly she had no idea how I would respond to her pointed questioning. She heard God tugging at her heart and she responded. She rose up to the occasion. She didn't sit on the sidelines and wonder. God spoke and she didn't miss a beat.

So Wen, I love ya friend!! Thank you for all the memories so far. Thank you for your love, support, prayers and compassion during the hard times. And thank you for having some guts.

You truly are part of my recovery story.

You're the best!

Happy Belated birthday!

Wendi and Me, June 2009,  seven months into my recovery from anorexia


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