So I was sitting here this morning drinking my coffee (done simultaneously while nursing. . . don't freak out people. . . not going to make Clara go haywire from too much caffeine running through her veins) and literally thinking "this coffee is SO good and drinking it is one of my favorite morning rituals." From there I just started thinking about all the little things I do/use everyday that have over time become a favorite, and thought I would share them with you all. I know. Super exciting, right? I hope for your sake some deeper, more insightful blog content will follow up this post. Without further ado. . . a few of my (current) favorite things. . . (thanks to google images for all of the photos below, besides the one of my daughter. duh)
Donut House Cinnamon Roll coffee is out of this world good. I know I know, there are many of you who prefer boring black coffee with no taste whatsoever. Boo on you. This is seriously delicious and tastes AND smells like hot, gooey cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Especially when mixed with . . .
Do you see that cinnamon roll goodness in the above picture? That is basically what my coffee tastes like every morning thanks to International Delights Cinnabon coffee creamer. I could drink it all day long. But alas I hold myself to one (maybe two after a really long, hard night w/ Clara) cup in the morning. Please try this asap. You will not regret it one bit.
Stacy's gingerbread pita chips basically taste like cinnamon sugar chips with a hint of gingerbread. They are amazing! Yes I am a little obsessed with all things that even semi reflect the cinnamon sugar combo. I believe these are a seasonal flavor as I haven't seem them in the store lately. I will admit I bought a bag over Christmas holiday, put them in the bottom of the pantry, and forgot about them until. . . two weeks ago. They were well past their expiration date yet unopened, so I went for it and didn't look back. I think the bag contains a total of 7 servings. I may or may not have eaten this entire bag in 3. Just saying.
Sabra Hummus is, by far, my favorite hummus around. Brandon thinks this tastes like dirt but anyone out there with normal taste buds will side with team Brittnie. The pretzel chips are just the icing on the cake. I have tried several other brands yet Sabra always wins in my book. These make a great snack or compliment to any meal.
For the longest time I have been a hard core Today Show fan, but as of late I am watching more and more Good Morning America. Now that I am home with Clara full time and our mornings are (usually) pretty chill I find myself flipping on GMA. I really enjoy their team of hosts and feel that they give a slightly less biased opinion that other morning shows.
Ok. . . I will admit that I am not one of those women that vacuum every day. I am an organizational freak but when it comes to deep cleaning I am not the best. We replaced our vacuum a few months back and replaced it with the Hoover Wind-tunnel. This stellar piece of equipment makes me want to vacuum everyday. No lie. The first time we used it we were astonished at how much JUNK it pulled up from our carpet, even when the carpet looked fairly clean to begin with. If any of you are in need of a new vacuum you will not be disappointed. This one is also quite a bit cheaper than some on the market and gets good reviews via Consumer Reports. Love. It.
After about 5 seconds of becoming a mom I realized the importance of the swaddle blanket. I have a few brands here at home but the Aedan and Anais blankets are the BEST. They feel like gauze and are much bigger than the traditional swaddle blanket. I am so glad I listened to my many friends recommendations as many said these were a must have! Clara loves being all tight and cozy in these and let's not overlook how cute they are as well. A&A have many different patterns/colors depending on your taste.
Staring at this cutie has become a favorite pastime of mine over the last month. Need I say more? Didn't think so.
Your turn! What are some of your favorite things as of late? Any one else out there as obsessed with all things cinnamon sugar? :) Let's hear it!
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