Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letting go of the guilt

Have you seen this post by Lisa Jo Baker circling the web over the last few days?

It is awesome.

Go read it now.  Not ten minutes from now, but now.

It's titled "Mom guilt. I'm getting over it."

But the truth is, the idea can be applied to anyone, regardless of the hat you wear during this particular time and phase of life. Mother or not, guilt always has a way of creeping in, doesn't it not?

Guilt. . . such a nasty, venomous tactic that Satan uses as a verb, to tear us down and keep us down.

Like when I start to feel like a complete & utter failure because I don't make my sweet baby girl homemade baby food. Yep. That's right. I buy jars and jars and jars of those little glass Gerber containers. And here's the catch. I have zero desire to make it myself. Zero. Like none. And everyone once in a while I will let that guilt creep in. Because it seems that every other mommy around is tuning into their inner Martha Stewart and whipping up batches and batches of the homemade stuff, aka the "healthier stuff."

So today, there are several things that I am going to proactively just let. go.

Because at the end of the day, I know I am doing an OK job, and my baby is getting nourishment, even if it's not from 100% organic spinach and kale purchased from Whole Foods, blended in my own food processor in my own kitchen.

Because I do feed her spinach. Thanks to Gerber.

Who's with me? What area of guilt are you going to let go of today?


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