So. . . remember how I took that unplanned blogging break last week? Well, I just haven't felt like writing much this week either, it seems. Not sure why? Maybe it's just a phase. Not too worried about it. Clara and I have been busy and having lots of fun, so that is what is important, right? Oh, and she woke up Tuesday night about 9pm crying (so not like her) and the second we went in we knew why. The girl was congested and couldn't breathe, and then proceeded to cough so hard that she threw up. She slept a total of 4.5 hours that night (upright, in our arms, b/c she would
scream cry very intensely if we laid her down) and thus took a stellar 3.5 hour nap for me on Wednesday. Poor kid. This has happened several times and we never see it coming. She goes to bed just fine, and then wakes up a few hours later with a nose full of snot and struggling to breathe well. And then I take her to the Dr. to find out it is just another cold??? These are some serious colds if you ask me!
Sorry for that rant. . .
Anyway, I have still been reading and browsing blogs during some of my spare moments, so here is this Friday's weekend links. Maybe catch ya'll next week. . . if something interesting (or not) strikes me! Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!
LifeThe Middle Parts - Enjoying The Small Things
It's Ok to Not Be Ok - (in)courage
Where you water it - Simple Mom
Living in fear - True Worth
Eating Disorder and/or Self EsteemHow to be the mom in the mirror you want reflected in your daughters life - Lisa Jo Baker
fears of weight gain - Surviving Anorexia
Understanding and helping the siblings of eating disorder patients - Dr. Ravin's blog
Food/and or RecipesGrilled lemon chicken with sweet corn & tomatoes - Iowa Girl Eats
The best spinach artichoke dip ever - The Pioneer Woman
Peanut butter cup crack brownies - Cookies & Cups
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