Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Currently. . . Feb 2013 edition

Loving: That Clara will now wrap her arm around mine when I am carrying her, and also put her arm around my leg when we are playing on the floor. I could post a thousand pictures but decided on two.

Reading: Daily posts from ladies in my in(courage) community group. Did you sign up for one? There's a category for just about every single life phase. It's been SUCH a blessing reading from other women, sharing our stories, and giving and getting encouragement.

Watching: Duck Dynasty reruns. Enough said. Are y'all getting pumped about next Wednesday nights season premiere?

Listening to: Lots of oldies but goodies from Jeremy Camp. Especially loving this one right now.

Thinking about: How gracious God has been to us over the last three months. When we started down the road of testing & therapy for Clara we had no idea what we would know, or where we would be, three months into the process. We have done A LOT over the last three months and while tests have shown minor things here and there, nothing life altering has been discovered. God is good regardless of test results, of course, yet we acknowledge that He has answered our prayers in powerful ways.

Looking forward to: Meeting my newest nephew, Eli, who was due on Valentine's day and has yet to make his appearance!

Making me happy: Brandon and I have been talking about taking a little vacation, just the two of us, sometime in the near future (this summer maybe). We are thinking Seattle, Chicago or possibly San Francisco? Anyone taken a recent vacation and have any reviews or recommendations?  Has to be somewhere SW Airlines will fly. Speaking of SW Airlines. . . they recently ran a special for $58 tickets (SWEET!) but alas we decided a vacation to Midland/Odessa or Dallas was not quite the experience we are looking for this go round. Call us crazy.

What are you loving? 
What's making you happy this week?


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