- Is there such thing as a five hour schedule? Up to this point Clara has been on a 4 hour schedule but 1-I am constantly having to wake her up from naps to eat at the four hr mark and 2-she is not showing interest in taking a bottle at four hours. She might take two-three oz and then I end up giving her the rest of the bottle later, closer to her next nap. I am just wondering if I bump up to a five hour schedule if she will be getting in enough milk during the day. I'm thinking she won't. Thoughts? I have looked in the Babywise book/blog and can only find info on the four hr schedule.
- When you added baby food to your babies diet did you offer it immediately following a bottle/nursing session or did you offer bottle/nurse and then wait an hour or so to offer the baby food? Sometimes when I offer it right after her bottle she is not interested, probably b/c she's too full. I don't want to get in a habit of her snacking though if I wait an hour to offer the baby food. Thoughts on this?
- How many bottles/nursing sessions was your baby getting at this point (8 mo) in a 24 hour period? Right now Clara is getting four bottles during the day (wake time, late morning, afternoon, bedtime) and maybe a fifth bottle during the night if she wakes. Some nights she does and some night she does not.
- Clara has been a bit unpredictable in her wake-time each morning. Somedays it is 5:00am (she's happy playing in her bed till 6:00am which is awesome, but this sets our day off with a super early napping and eating schedule). On other days it is 8:00am and I literally have to wake her up. Should I just not worry about having a set eat/nap times during the day? All the books I read make it seem so easy to have set times every day for feeding/naps at this age, but when her wake times are so varied I just don't know how to accomplish this? Thoughts?
- I am using these storage bags to store frozen breast milk but having issues. I have a lot of frozen milk (so so so thankful!) yet when I go to thaw a bag, the milk SMELLS to high heaven. Like it smells rancid and when I try to give it to Clara she refuses to take it. I don't blame her. I was very good about storing milk within a few days of pumping it, and I have kept it in the back part of freezer (not the door). Has anyone else experienced this issue?? I shudder at the thought of having to trash all this frozen milk, but so far I keep throwing bags away. :(
- Did anyone ever mix formula with breast milk? How did you do this/what ratio? Random question but just wondering.
- For those of you whose littles had reflux. . . can reflux come and go? Or once it's gone is it gone for good? Clara will go down just fine at bed and then wake 1.5-2 hours into bed unconsolable. Crying hard and it's a "I'm in pain please help me" cry. This has been the trend lately. At first we thought this could just be teething, but now we are wondering if reflux could be the culprit? Ex - Monday night she went down at 7:45pm, slept until 9pm, then was up until 12am crying and nothing would calm her.
Clara has been lagging behind in development for a while, so please know that I take that into consideration when asking you these questions. I realize that what is normal for most 8 mo olds might not be normal for her for a little while, and that is ok. Still just trying to gather info.
Thanks, friends for your input and helping a momma out! Ready, set go!
Thanks, friends for your input and helping a momma out! Ready, set go!
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