Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HFI video testimonial

I never mentioned it on the blog but when Clara was about 10 or 11 weeks old our fertility clinic asked us if we would be willing to share just a bit of our story via a video testimonial that would then be posted on their website. We were quite flabbergasted, honored and completely humbled that they asked us. I mean they have a lot of patients to choose from and they asked us?! What???!

We knew we wanted to participate not only because we loved our Dr, the staff, and the over all clinic, (and not to mention we had a great experience there) but because we knew we had a story to tell and it is our hope and prayer that our story might touch someone else down the road. God can take a piece of our story, our journey to parenthood, and use it for His good. In His time. In His unique way. So we decided to go for it.

We got word a few days ago that the testimonial is up and running. I'm not sure how to copy the video from the main website on the blog, but the links are below if you want to check it out.

And yes... we both shed a few tears.

A big thanks to HFI for asking us to participate. You all really are like family to us!

(Note - The thoughts and opinions shared in this video are 100% our own. We were in no way reimbursed for our participation in this video, nor we were guaranteed a discount on any future needed fertility treatment, although Brandon did want me to ask, Ha). 

HFI - Our Story

HFI - The Blackburn Family

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Clara's first Connecticut vacation

We just got back from our annual Connecticut visit. Brandon and I go once a year to visit my aunt, uncle and two cousins. We love going in the fall as the weather is amazing and the leaves breathtaking!! This was Clara's first trip there and she did awesome! No tears at all on any of the flights (four total) and she did (relatively) well at bed/night time. 

We took LOTS of pictures but to avoid an extremely long post, I'll just hit the highlights. 

Here's a few pictures from the trip... (and yes I have learned the art of packing light and thus wear the same few shirts over and over. Don't judge.)

Clara was such a trooper on the flights. As you can see in the last shot, she was mesmerized staring out the window of the plane.

We took a short drive Saturday to a local pumpkin patch where we picked out a few pumpkins to take home, enjoyed a hay ride and indulged in some fresh fried dough and apple cider donuts. 

Me, Aunt Marsha, Clara, Brogan and Clancey

 Cousin love

The weather was SO nice we strapped Clara in the Bjorn and went on several walks.

And then spent lots of time relaxing and playing at home. 

Brandon always loves taking pictures of the leaves. The reds and golds were amazing!

Family shot. 

And of course we had to take a few of Clara in the leaves.

A few more with my Aunt Marsha on our last day. 

Thanks, Adams family for a great trip! We cannot wait until next year!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom

My mom would have been 59 years young today (she died of Lupus when I was a little girl). She's not here to celebrate on Earth but I have no doubt she's having a party up in heaven today. A shin dig so big it would make any birthday bash down here look like a mere afterthought. There are days when I miss her so much, and would give anything to spend even just a few minutes with her, but I know God's plan for our family was and still is perfect. His ways are always best, no matter what.

I love you, Mom. Happy 59th!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Clara 5 months

Here's a few pictures of Clara at five months. . .

We had a little mishap during the photo shoot. . . 

The hands in the air shot totally cracks me up! 

By our home scale Clara is now 14 -14.5ish pounds. She was 12 pounds 15 oz at her 4 month well check so I'm assuming this home measurement is accurate? Not sure.  

Other info:

Still on her reflux meds. There were a few nights we accidentally forgot to give her the meds and she definitely made it clear that she was in pain. (At least that was the only association we could make to the return of some serious screaming.) Poor baby! 

She is on a 3.5 or 4 hour eating schedule these days, but more often than not 4 hours. Anything less and she is SO not interested in eating.  She will take about 4.5-5oz per bottle. We have tried solids a few times and she is showing a bit more interest but we are still working at it a little each day. We try to give her rice cereal after her morning bottle and then some veggies after her evening bottle (but before her bedtime bottle). She is getting the hang of the spoon and learning what to do when I stick it in front of her mouth. Half of it lands somewhere on her face though. It's pretty funny.  


Goes a little something like this although if she wakes up earlier things get shifted for the day. 
  • 7am - wake time
  • eat & playtime  
  • 8:30 or 9am - nap (usually lasts 1.5 - 2 hours)
  • eat & playtime
  • 12:30 or 1pm - nap (usually lasts 1.5 - 2 hours) 
  • eat & playtime
  • 5pm - nap - this is a short cat nap, maybe one hour at longest, to get us to bedtime
  • eat & playtime
  • 7:30 - start getting ready for bedtime (bath, book, bottle,)
  • 8pm - bedtime 
  • one night feeding - recently it's been between 1-3am


Oh the sleeping. . . where do I even begin? Some nights are great and some nights are not so great. I'm sure all you experienced mommas out there are saying "duh, this is normal." Ha! We decided to put the sleep training  on hold until after all our travels are over. Once we are home for a long stretch we will reassess how to move forward, where to make changes, or if we are Ok with how things are going for now and thus keep on keeping on. It was just too much to leave on a trip, not be consistent while we were gone, and then expect her to jump right back in when we returned. 

Recently she has been waking only after 1-2 hours into her night time sleep. Then she gets fussy for a few hours. On a good night she will fuss but eventually fall asleep, and then sleep until 7am (in our bed w/ us. . . yes she usually ends up back in our bed. Yes, I said I wasn't going backwards. Oh well, I'm no longer going to beat myself up about this). On a bad night the fussing lasts several hours (lasted until 1:00am this past Tues night, and then she woke for the day at 4:50am!) but then eventually she will pass out and (usually) sleep a good while. Not sure what the waking shortly after bedtime is all about. 

She continues to nap like a champ (in her crib). No issues there. She is able to self soothe during a nap and put herself back to sleep. Not sure how naps are so different from night sleep but again, I'm choosing to celebrate our napping success and keep praying that nights will resolve itself soon. 

We will get there. . . eventually!!

Side note - the last two nights (Wed & Thurs) she only fussed for about an hour after going to bed at 8pm, and then slept until 7:15am, waking only briefly for one feeding but she didn't even fully wake up. Yay! Thank you, God!! 

Smiling a lot more! 
Rolling over both ways - all day long. 
Hands in the mouth ALL the time and thus drooling ALL the time.
She is able to grasp her pacifier and take it out of her mouth but hasn't quite figured out how to get it back in. She also loves grasping her chain link toys and somehow always manages to get one stuck around her wrist.  
She laughed for the first time! It has only happened once but it was the cutest thing ever! 
She can still wear some 3 month clothes but mostly now in 3-6 months.
Size 2 diapers

We traveled to. . .  
Dallas to visit some of our college friends. 
Little Rock, Arkansas for Brandon's cousins wedding. This was flight number 5 & 6 for Clara and she was a rock star! She did so well. No fussing at all on the plane! 

We have a few more trips coming up which we are very excited about!

Our church is having a baby dedication, for all the recent babies born, in early November. We are really looking forward to this celebration and important dedication for Clara.