Tuesday, April 24, 2012

38 week (& 4 days) pregnancy update. . . pumpkin baby. . . or something like that

Just wanted to pop in to say hi and yes. . . I'm still pregnant! I won't go into the usual full out update but here is a little bit of info as of late.

Click here for the update as to why I am going weekly for biophysical profiles and non stress test ultrasounds. I went back today for the testing and then will see my regular OB on Wednesday. Results of todays testing was all good news. They did not measure Clara again (will do this next week) but said the placenta is functioning well and the fluid levels look perfect therefore there is no reason to assume Clara is not making developmental progress in the womb. Dr told me to continue with his previous recommendations (really, more ice cream and less house chores? Darn!) and he will see me next week. Clara passed her stress test as well. Overall, a great report!

A little bit about week 38 from this source. (Obviously not all of this is an accurate representation of my case, as we know Clara is on the smaller side of the spectrum but still fun to read nonetheless.)

Yow! If you feel a sort of lightening bolt running up and down your legs (and in your crotch), don’t freak out. At 38 weeks, baby’s probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, which means he’s bumping into all kinds of nerves down there -- including some pretty sensitive ones you might not know you had. Be on the lookout for signs of labor, including contractions that come on stronger, at more regular intervals, and the “bloody show.” It could happen any day now -- or it might not be for a few weeks. Until then, try to relax.

Your baby's the size of a pumpkin! Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.

your baby at 38 weeks
  • She may have about an inch or so of hair already.
  • She's slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.

My Thoughts:
We are feeling very peaceful about Clara's progress. We know her development is all in God's hands and therefore we have no room to fear. It is so cool to think that in 10 days (or less I suppose) I will be holding my daughter!  

I am no longer working (bittersweet!) so I am taking it easy, trying to get extra rest and of course eat as much of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Therapy as possible. Have you tried this new flavor? If not, go get some. Like today. It has 24 grams of sugar per serving. And considering I am having a dose of this stuff daily I would say I am following dr's orders and being a rather compliant patient, don't ya think? 

Did you think you could get out of a pregnancy post without a picture of the cankles? Ha! Not likely.

I thought the support hose were helping (and they have!!) but over the last week the swelling has returned with a vengeance. This picture is bad, but doesn't really show the extent of the swelling over the last few days. Love how you can see my flip flop line on my left foot. I'm cool like that. 

And a belly picture. . .
38 weeks 4 days belly shot

I keep telling Brandon it would be fun to have a dramatic birth story. . . you know. . . being that girl that is walking through Target and her water breaks and then scrambles to find her cell phone to call her husband at work. Brandon's thoughts . . . "Britt, you would be freaking out, and you would not think that is cool." I beg to differ. :)

Random tid bits:
Braxton Hicks - a few here and there. Nothing major at this point. 
Total Weight gain - up 28 (ish) pounds 
Nursery progress - need to hang a few things on the wall but we are getting close to having it done!
Birth plan - epidural asap :)
Next acupuncture appointment - this Friday. Cannot. Wait. 
Hospital bag packed - for the most part
Car seat installed - check! 
Excitement - through the roof! 

Have a great week! Next update will (Lord willing) contain pictures of our little girl!

PSALM 139:14
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well.

PSALM 13:6
"I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me." 

24 week pregnancy update 


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