Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And baby makes 3

So there is a little secret I have been keeping from the blog world....


We are thrilled and excited and overjoyed and thankful and a million other emotions I cannot adequately express. I just updated the fertility journey page so for those of you who really do enjoy all the nitty gritty details just click on over to get specifics. For those of you who prefer a bullet point run down:

  • Our frozen embryo transfer took place on August 23rd  (transferred two embryos)
  • We received a positive blood pregnancy test on September 8th
  • Ultrasound on September 13th revealed two sacs = twins!
  • We heard two heartbeats on September 16th, crazy and amazing! 
  • Ultrasound on September 20th showed that Baby A's heart rate had dropped significantly and that we will be closely monitored to see what happens. Our Dr prepared us for the (high) chance that we would miscarry Baby A. 
  • Ultrasound on 9/27 showed that baby A no longer had a heartbeat. :(
It's amazing to experience such a wide range of emotions when learning that you have miscarried yet are still pregnant. I found out about Baby A at 8:00AM that Tuesday. I cried all the way to work as my heart ached for this little one (whose heartbeat I just heard the week prior). Yet once I arrived at work it was as if God's peace just blanketed over me, covering me from head to toe. I wiped away my tears and then stared (for what felt like a solid 5 minutes) at Baby B's ultrasound, which was perfect in every way. At that moment I was able to smile and praise God for his good gifts and was reminded of the song "Blessed Be the Name of The Lord," especially the part that says "he gives and takes away." I have never experienced anything more true. God chooses to give and take away in His time. For His glory and for His good. I now feel completely at peace that, for whatever reason, God knew that one baby was enough for us right now. 

  • I was discharged from my fertility clinic on 10/10. It was such an exciting day. All of the nurses  were giving big hugs, smiles and well wishes. They have walked this journey with me and I am forever grateful for their time, compassion and encouragement. 
  • I was seen by my regular OBGYN for the first time, today 10/25. The ultrasound revealed a strong and vibrant baby. It is amazing that we could see the body (heads, arms, legs) so clearly. The little one was actually jumping around every few seconds which made me LOL which made the baby jump even more. Priceless! Our official due date is May 10, 2012. 
It means the world to know that our family, friends and even "blog world" buddies care enough to speak directly to the Father on our behalf.  Your encouragement and support has made the hard moments so much easier. We know you will continue to pray for us and for the little baby growing inside of me and so again we say THANK YOU! 

I will be updating the blog from time to time with pregnancy news and experiences along the way. 
For now, I will leave you with a few pictures. I couldn't resist sharing some of these photos with you.
Picture of one of the two embryos at time of transfer.
Isn't it amazing that each and every baby starts out looking like this? 
The arrow above is pointing to both embryos (looks like a white dash) that were implanted into the uterus. 
Baby at 10 weeks pregnant. Last ultrasound with the fertility clinic.
The black (tiny) sac above the main sac is where Baby A was at one time. 
Baby at 12 weeks pregnant. First ultrasound with my regular OB.
Can you spot the head and feet? 
Baby at 12 weeks pregnant 

Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice; and let men say among the nations, The Lord reigns! 


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