Monday, August 1, 2011

Circle of Life

Grandma Trudie with a few of her grandchildren

Some of you know that my Grandma Trudie has been suffering from pancreatic cancer for the past 1.5 years. Through it all she has been nothing but positive about the diagnosis and, up until a few months ago, could still run circles around me and the other grandchildren. Seriously... she would walk out of chemo (beat everyone to the car!!!) and then go on with her day shopping, cooking or helping my mom with various tasks. Her attitude and energetic spirit is contagious & she is leaving an amazing legacy. Her health has recently taken a turn for the worse. We do not expect her to live much longer. She is now at her home with hospice care.

I was so blessed to spend this past weekend with her. This picture is how I will always remember my Grandma Trudie. Here she is literally not knowing how much longer she might live but she has a smile plastered all over that cute face. She is amazing. She is God fearing. She will be missed but she will live on. Her legacy continues. I will do my part to continue it. And I know that while we will be separated for a short while we will most definitely see each other again. 

Please call your family today and tell them how much you love them!! While not all of us are suffering from cancer or a serious illness one thing in life is certain...we are not promised tomorrow. Each new day is a blessing from the Creator. The Creator of life. Soon my Grandma Trudie will get to meet Him. Oh what a glorious day!!! If you know Trudie well you will probably agree that she will be the life of the party up there. Don't have too much fun without us Grandma!! And always know that "I love you the morest!!" (Trudie's favorite saying)

*Update 8/7/11: My Grandma Trudie passed away at approximately 4:00am today, August 7, 2011. She passed peacefully into the arms of Jesus with absolutely no pain or distress. Thank you all for your continued love and prayers on behalf of my family & Grandma during this time. We appreciate it so very much!*


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