Friday, July 15, 2011

Recovery cards

I mentioned in a previous post that one recommendation from my therapist, early on in recovery, was to write out both the psychological and physical benefits of life without an ED. At the beginning I was basically "faking it" and I needed some quick reminders as to why in the world I was choosing to walk away from ED. When I started to increase my caloric intake and pants started to get snug, I would pull out the cards below & read them to myself (OK... sometimes out loud). This was SUCH a helpful tool.  I definitely recommend this exercise for someone who is in recovery from an ED but honestly it can apply to any area of life that needs attention. We all need reminders from time to time as to why we are choosing a certain path. Life gets hard. It can get ugly, messy and far from fair at times. It is imperative in moments of doubt and weakness that we are able to redirect out focus back to the positive. That is what these cards did for me. And take note - none of them say anything about weight. (I apologize for the poor photo quality. Still trying to learn all this blogging business.)

psychological benefits 

physical benefits 
(Yes - I just mentioned sex & constipation on the blog. TMI? Maybe...but I did not want to alter the recovery cards in any way. Just keeping it real my friends...keeping it real.)

Have you ever developed or incorporated a similar tool?
If so, what was the purpose? 
Were your "recovery cards" helpful to you in the long run? 

Make it a great day!


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